$60  I N T R O 

1-Month Unlimited

New students are eligible for one month of unlimited practice, during which you receive 10% off all class passes or $10 off Membership (only valid on your first visit).

 M O N T H  L Y 



We recommend unlimited membership if you’re taking class three times a week or more. Enjoy unlimited access and perks for $5.65 / day, or $10.83 @ 3x / week (vs. $195 for a 10 Class Pass).

1 – Y E A R




Our sweetest deal by far, enjoy unlimited classes for $3.97/day, which works out to $120/month. This pass may be put on hold 1x year, up to 30 days. 

The Assembly of Graceful Surrender

This event reoccurs once per month, our next gathering is on Sunday, September 22 @2 pm – 4 pm. 

Gathering in circle, we will travel together through prayer, meditation, connection exercises, movement, kirtan style singing, dance, and teachings that draw from The Buddha, Jesus Christ (by way of A Course In Miracles), Brené Brown, Sadhguru, Alok Vaid-Manon, Mooji, Alan Watts, Hildegard of Bingen, Eckhart Tolle, Abraham Hicks, Thich Nhat Hanh, and others.
Sessions are guided by Don Christensen, an ordained minister with the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry and yoga instructor with 20 years experience, with musical support by Toronto’s Jeff Simnett on guitar, and Shan Jauhal on tablas/percussion. The presentation of all teachings are offered in the spirit of supporting one another in safely aligning with our own truth, our own evolutionary experience and our own authentic support systems, rather than as doctrine or dogma.
Please consider wearing comfortable clothes that are white, or brightly coloured. If possible, bring a yoga mat, and maybe an offering for the altar in the centre of our circle. Blocks, bolsters and blankets will be provided for seating – and, feel free to bring anything else you need to be comfortable. This is a substance-free practice.
✨ Live music includes guitar, flute, and tablas ✨
If you wish to familiarize yourself with some of the circle songs we will be singing together, here are some songs that may be sung during the event:
✨ All curious hearts are welcomed and encouraged to join ✨
Three-tiered pricing available, you may choose to receive support and join the event for $20; hold space for $30, or support another for $40. This type of pricing allows us to make this practice accessible for all who wish to join.

Healing Harmony: Yin + Thai Touch

Join us for a sweet opportunity to distance yourself from the hustle and bustle and connect to balance, calm, and mindfulness.

Join Meg Goldand Megan White for an evening of grounding meditation, breathwork, and restorative yin. This practice is accompanied by hands-on touch and Thai massage.

Saturday, September 28 | 5 – 7 pm
$70 | Monthly Members $65
REGISTER #linkinbio

Day of Pause: The Global Event Unlike Any Other

No one. No one can deny that we all share the simple yet profound sense that is care—even if it is only enough care for our next very breath. Every one of us cares about someone or something, and it is our awakening to this shared quality within each of us that is the focus of Day of Pause. On this day, we put aside what seems urgent to us, and instead stop long enough to feel what is important—confirming the simple fact that each one of us humans does care.

Day of Pause is an intentional and loving global shutdown. This day is reserved annually for experiencing humanity collectively choosing something different for one day. To pause, so that we may create a moment together outside of fear. To pause so that we may observe what is behind our drive to ‘get back to normal’. To pause to realize what we thought was normal, and to now understand what we truly care about.

What is pausing? Planning nothing (or as little as possible) on this day. Informing those in your life of your intentions to participate in this global experience. Noticing in this new space we’ve created how it feels to wake up and step out of our daily patterns, feeling what is truly important to us, and determining if we’re living in alignment with this importance.

This is not a day to look for solutions. Simply pause, for whatever time you sincerely can, and feel what it is like to be alive on this day—the day that everyone else has stopped to do the same. Listen carefully to both the internal and external conversations that will come from this experience. In this we can learn together to trust that clarity and opportunities of wholeness are appearing. In this we can begin to feel the essence of us all being one. Please choose to join us.

World Fart Out Loud Day

Each year, the 15th of September is recognized as World Fart-Out-Loud Day. On this day, all peoples of the world are encouraged to allow for the very natural body function of flatulence (farting) to ring loud and true. Consider it a societal let-go that is long overdue…


Self Discovery Meditation with Don

Next session: TBA

Ticket Price: Complimentary

From physical pain, to depression, to thoughts of hopelessness, all these experiences and more can rise from our misalignment with where we are truly called to be in our lives. In this 60 minute workshop Don will take you into a deep meditative state where we shed many of the roles we carry and see ourselves in, which might be holding us back from our more truthful living. If you feel in your being that you are meant to follow a different calling, this journey may be of great benefit to you.

This workshop is complimentary. The work itself will take around 45 minutes. In return, your attention is requested for a short presentation regarding Day of Pause, a non-profit global event founded by Don in 2020.

Join us as we root into power, joy and connection.

All self-identified Queer Folk are welcome to this gathering. Pre-registration is preferred, thanks in advance.