
Yin is a therapeutic practice where the focus is to stretch deep down in the joints and connective tissues; privileging conscious breath and utilizing a lot of silence. Postures can be held 3-10 minutes, utilizing stillness to investigate the depth of stretch. Props are used to aid in opening up the meridian lines of the body and stretching the connective tissue.

With longer holds the teacher has more time to offer one-on-one personalized modification; the slower pace allows the body to drift into a meditative state and ease your way into a blissful savasana. Yin is the perfect balance to the busyness of day-to-day living.

This practice is highly recommended for:

– caregivers to young children
– runners, iron-man competitors, marathon, triathlon-ers, weightlifters, etc.
– anyone healing from an injury or illness
– those who use laptops, desktops, and cell phones
– those who have human bodies

Warm Practice Room (26′ – 28′ C), eye-pillows encouraged (bring your own or purchase in studio).