Yin Yoga is a therapeutic practice where the focus is to stretch deep down in the joints, privileging the breath and utilizing silence; it is the perfect balance to day-to-day living and to the more vigorous classes we offer in the studio (flow, vinyasa, mindful Pilates) and to all other activities/sports.
The slower pace allows the body to drift into a meditative state and ease your way into a blissful savasana (conscious relaxation). Physiologically, a yin practice cultivates stress-resilience by rewiring our neuropathways for less reactivity and more responsivity within ourselves and our relationships; so we can experience stress on a less intense level and bounce back from stress quicker than before.
This is achieved by consciously working with mindfulness meditation within the yin poses, to observe your experience, to connect again and again to the breath/pranayama practice which re-establishes the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest state) vs. the sympathetic nervous system ( flight of flight state).
Postures are held 3-10 minutes. Props are used to support the surrender in opening up the meridian lines and stretching the connective tissue, making this class the perfect class to support the body, especially during seasonal transitions.
This practice is highly recommended for:
- caregivers to young children
- runners, iron-man competitors, marathoners/triathloners, weightlifters, etc
- anyone healing from an injury or illness
- anyone who lives with chronic pain
- anyone who deals with anxiety/insomnia
- If you are grieving
- those of us who use laptops, desktops, and cell phones
- anyone who sits in chairs or cars for long periods
- those of us who are interested and working on holistic health integration
- those of us who want to learn to sit with ourselves
- basically, those of us who have bodies…
We have yin several times a week, including Wednesdays @ 8pm with Live Music (all class passes accepted, no additional fees).
Warm Practice Room (26′ – 28′ C), eye-pillows encouraged (bring your own or purchase in studio).