Mission Statement
What guides everything we do here…
The mission of all those who serve at The Hummingbird Field is to assist in revealing the deep value of each student’s life, so that they in turn may be inspired and feel encouraged to do the same for others.
July 13, 2006
our vision
What invites us to take another step forward…
Joy, playfulness, creativity and freedom are states of consciousness represented by the totem animal the hummingbird. The human energetic field known as the hummingbird field is this altered state of consciousness; the vibrational frequency which taps into the purity of our true spirit.
The physical space we call The Hummingbird Field is not a traditional yoga studio. It is recognized more so as a gathering space, for independent and collective transformation, mindful movement, and the dissolution of humanity’s tired story of separation.
Or, it’s simply a space to visit where you can move, breathe and be. It’s up to you.
We at The Hummingbird Field endeavour to create the safest environment possible for all of us to explore our individuality and how and where it wants to fit into the greater village. As everyone who serves within this space identifies as a student first, we won’t always get it right. We too, are simply humans on this journey with you, doing our best to find our way, in sincerity. What is different about all those who do devote their time and energy here is that each person truly cares.
We care about the quality of our teachers, because we too, regularly step on our mats and put an ever-growing degree of trust in these guides.
We care about the presentation of our space, because we too want a clean and welcoming environment in which to relax and feel a sense of true comfort.
We care about the inclusiveness, equality, and equity of all humans within our global community, as well as our immediate community, as we solemnly declare our continuous wanting to learn and grow through humility.
In spite of any imperfections we bring forth like any humans, we sincerely care about how our true selves interact with you, for we know that connection is the greatest gift we can give and receive while spending however long on this precious planet together.
Thank you for spending time with us.
class schedule
In as many ways as we can, we at The Hummingbird Field strive to meet the present needs of our community—and by staying open to constantly learning and unlearning—to also not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own such needs. We also recognize that this must be the way we approach the use of our planet’s natural treasures as well, so that Her own needs would be met consistently for generations to come.
Our Friday 8pm Dāna (dah-nah) class is a tradition which began in November, 2007, and is about reaching out, giving back and supporting positive change in our immediate community and the world. This by-donation class directs 100% of collected funds to non-profit organizations which we deem are supporting essential change for both humans and the planet we share. The teacher is paid their full rate outside of collected funds, and we thank you for your generosity. Scroll down for more details.
Through the learning of old indigenous ways, and the growing human consciousness that shows us new ways, our teachers and staff attend workshops and webinars which help us dismantle unhealthy practices and perceptions, while opening our hearts and minds to new behaviours that move us toward true inclusiveness for all. And yet, we can still do so much more than we have thus far. Our learning will never cease, as we realize we’re here to witness both the beauty and the challenges of being accountable. By way of the service we provide and the space we attempt to create, it is a privilege to be at the forefront of humanity’s shift toward more connection.
join our community

Class Reservations
- Reserving your classes, or pre-registration, is strongly recommended to secure your spot, although walk-ins are available spaces are limited. There is no guarantee that spots will be available when you walk in.
- To secure your spot use the MindBody App or register online. We do not take reservations over the phone or email. Using our App or web browser is the way to reserve classes.
- In honour of community and in respect for our students, all classes will start on time. Latecomers cannot be admitted. See Latecomers Policy in Studio Etiquette below for details.
- Using our App you can cancel classes with ease and comfort (email and phone cancellations cannot be accepted).
- Cancel one hour or more before class starts without a fee.
- Late Cancel within 60 mins before class starts and pay $10 + hst.
- No-Shows are charged $15 + hst.

If a class is full, joining a class waitlist is simple. To do so follow these mandatory steps that enable the waitlist tool:
- Enable Text Message Notifications in your account by logging on > select ‘Notifications’ > click yes to receive text messages.
- Go to the class that is full > click the WAITLIST button > OPT IN.
- If/when another student cancels their reservation, you will receive a text message notification letting you know you’ve been selected to move from the waitlist to the class attendance.
- To register you must reply ‘YES’ , or ‘NO’ to opt out.
Note, the waitlist feature deactivates 30 minutes before class begins. If you don’t reply to the text your spot is declined and given to the next person on the waitlist.
Class Passes & Memberships Exchanges
All sales are final (non-refundable, non-sharable, non-transferable, non-exchangeable)
Classes purchased at regular price expire after 5 years. Classes purchased on promotion always have an expiry date (usually 2 years).There are two exceptions as to why we might make an exception and grant account credit or issue a transfer
- Due to medical reasons, you may be eligible to transfer your classes to a friend/family member.
- For rare and exceptional cases, you may request to exchange your class pass for Account Credit.
Memberships are subject to contract agreement terms; they are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Please ensure that you are fully committed before you sign up for a contract.
Context: we are a service-based business and it is our promise to you that we will be open 364 days a year, making our service available to you (except one day per year in May when we are closed for Day of Pause).
Unfortunately, it is beyond our control if a Member chooses not to use their Membership (without suspending or activating a Health Hold). If you have an Unlimited Membership, you’re investing in an unlimited service and have the capability to practice as often as you like. Should you not use your pass, we are still here, open for business, paying the bills, paying our teachers, and gratefully anticipating your arrival to come and practice. While we understand that it would be frustrating to have an unlimited pass and not use it, please also understand that we are open and able to accommodate you every single day, fulfilling our end of the agreement. We use Members’ fees to ensure we are open and available to you, whenever you’d like.
It is for that reason the studio cannot issue any exchanges/returns or refunds for unused Memberships, or prorate your pass. The access to unlimited has a value that we bank on in order to keep the doors open and give you a much better deal (ie. a 10 class card cost $18 per class, but a Membership at $150 per month, 3x per week is $12.50 per class).
What we CAN do is speak to you about your practice, do our best to inspire you to get back on your mat and incentivize you to utilize your unlimited access. We grant all our members unlimited guest passes for friends, and run 30-Day Journeys at least three times per year, and would be happy to recommend a class you might fall in love with, practice alongside you for support and champion you to stick to your intentions for regular practice.
Please talk to us and see how we may support you.
Private & Group Classes Exchanges
- All sales are final, non-refundable, and non-sharable..
- Payment must be made in one transaction, split by a maximum of two methods of payment.
- Cancellation Policy: we must receive an email a minimum 24 hours in advance to receive Account Credit. Refunds will not be granted. We do not provide account credit for cancellations received within 24 hours of private class.
Special Events, & Pre-Registered Series Exchanges
- All sales are final, non-refundable, non-sharable, non-exchangeable, non-transferable.
- All events are subject to cancellation if enrolment is too low (in which case you’d receive a refund and 24 hours notice).
- For Special Series (ie. an 8-week Prenatal course), all students must pay for the whole special series (we do not pro-rate classes).
- Cancellation Notice must be received in via email a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the event to receive an Account Credit.
- We do not offer an exchange for Account Credit if a cancellation is received within 24 hours
- Latecomers are not admitted to special events or series; please plan to arrive up to 30 minutes early as we cannot issue credit or refunds for events due to late arrival and would hate for you to be locked out of the studio.
Retail + Gift Card Exchanges
- We will exchange any boutique retail items that are unopened/re-sellable for Account Credit within 14 days of original purchase.
- We do not offer refunds on retail purchases.
- Gift Cards are final sale and cannot be refunded.
email us
Embrace Diversity
Showing respect to self, to all others, and our shared space is admission to enter this studio, regardless of your financial circumstances, race, religion, gender identity, abilities, sexual orientation, and country of origin. We do our best to create the safest, most loving space that we can, and we endeavour for all to feel welcome and respected here.
Check-In at the Front Desk
Please provide your name to our receptionist as soon as you arrive, even if you preregister for your class.
Arrive Early
We strive to both start and end all classes on time, and to start on time means that all students are in the room on time. Arriving no later than 10 minutes before your class begins can provide you, your teacher, and our desk staff with the most easeful and relaxed experience possible.
Latecomers Cannot be Permitted to Class
In creating the most calm and grounded environment possible, once the teacher enters the practice room, no other students are permitted to class. Your cooperation is both necessary and appreciated.
Give Your Phone a Rest
To give your nervous system a rest, please leave your device on DO NOT DISTURB/SILENT if left in the change-room, or it must be turned off if bringing it into the practice room (no exceptions). If you must take a phone call, kindly do so in the stairwell.
Leave Footwear Under the Coat Rack
For both the cleanliness and respect of our shared space, together we humbly remove our footwear at the coat rack.
Mind Your Belongings
Leave bags/belongings in the change room. If you feel it necessary, wallet, keys, and your (turned-off-phone/electronic device may accompany you. We cannot be held responsible for any missing items.
Silence in the Practice Room
Please observe silence in our sacred practice room as much as possible, including not whispering.
Bolsters and blankets are only to be used in non-heated classes, (with hygenic towels, which we provide).
Aside from the occasional smudge, we respect our shared environment by going as scent-free as possible. Please avoid wearing and bringing perfumes, sprays or heavily scented soaps into the studio.
Use the Floor Markers
Please align the top of your yoga mat with the black tape on the floor, or equal space mats apart as much as possible.
Stay for the Entire Class
Unless an emergency occurs, for health, safety and security reasons we need all students to remain in the practice room for the duration of each class.
Return Your Rentals
Drop your towel in the hamper in the change room, hang your mat on a pole at the drying station, and return jars to the basket on the reception desk. Thank you.
create an account
Dāna (DAH-nah, Sanskrit: दान) means giving, often in the context of donation and charity. In other contexts, such as rituals, it can simply refer to the act of giving something.
What is the dollar value of intimate self care and anonymous care for others? It may only be a few dollars for you, yet your donation helped a homeless teen find a warm bed, secured an acre of untouched rainforest, and helped provide a lawyer to fight for someone’s human rights. Consider that your true takeaway is the feeling that comes with your sincere donation, while the bonus is the yoga session you get to enjoy on top of that.
Our Friday 8pm Dāna (dah-nah) class is a tradition initiated in 2007 at The Hummingbird Field, and is about reaching out, giving back and supporting positive change in our immediate community and the world.
This by-donation class is the Hummingbird Hatha sequence practiced in the heat, with 100% of collected funds funnelled directly to non-profit organizations which we deem are supporting essential change for both humans and the planet we share.
**We ask that no one perceives this class as an opportunity to attend a low-cost or depreciated yoga session. While there is no minimum donation required to attend, and the amount of your donation is strictly your business only, we do ask that you find it in yourself to donate what you can truly afford on that day, considering the quality of the experience you will receive, combined with understanding of where your personal donation is being forwarded. As money is energy that helps to make a difference somehow, we thank you for your generosity.
A suggested minimum donation is $10 (cash-only).
take a Friday 8pm Dāna class
A partial list of some non-profits we have donated to since 2007:
- 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
- ACT- AIDS Committee of Toronto
- Amnesty International
- Anishnawbe Health Toronto
- Arkan Dance Company
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto
- Black Women in Motion
- Bloor West Food Bank
- CAMH- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Children’s Aid Foundation
- Covenant House
- Cystic Fibrosis Canada
- Daily Bread Food Bank
- Day of Pause
- Environmental Defense
- Friends of Ruby
- Gerstein Crisis Centre
- Global Autism Project
- Haiti School Project
- Hard Feelings
- Heart & Stroke Foundation
- Hockey Helps the Homeless
- Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab Hospital
- Indigenous Spirit Fund
- Indian Residential School Survivors Society
- Jack.org
- JungleKeepers
- Justice for Children and Youth
- Lemenus- Mental Health, Development & Community Services
- Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
- Madison Community Services
- Moose Hide Campaign
- Multiplier
- MUTTS Dog Rescue
- Na-Me-Res
- NEDIC- National Eating Disorder Information Centre
- Nellie’s
- New Leaf Yoga Foundation
- No Time For That Anti-Bullying Societ
- Pachamama Alliance
- Rainbow Railroad
- Red Cross
- Red Door Family Shelter
- Regent Park School of Music
- Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada
- Second Harvest
- Safe Haven
- Schizophrenia Society of Canada
- Sistering
- Sheena’s Place
- Stella’s Place – Young Adult Mental Health
- The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
- The 519
- The Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS)
- The Four Villages Community Health Centre
- The Redwood
- The Stop Community Food Centre
- TNG Community Services
- Toronto Rape Crisis Center
- Toronto Cares
- Toronto Humane Society
- Turner Syndrome Society of Canada
- United Way
- WaterAid Canada
- Women’s Habitat
- WWF- World Wildlife Fund
take a PWYC dāna class
Dear Community,
At The Hummingbird Field, we passionately recognize that Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, LGBTTQQIAAP+ and Trans Lives Matter, and that systemic white supremacy must be dismantled. We acknowledge that BIPOC in Canada and around the world have been subjected to hundreds of years of ingrained racism and oppression. While we continue to work to become an actively anti-racist space, we feel it is important to be clear about where we stand on this matter. Silence on these issues cannot be tolerated, nor can well-meaning statements without an action plan.
Humbly, we are learning on a deeper level that it is not effective enough to be anti-racist in thought—we must more be anti-racist in our actions. Although we acknowledge it is impossible to ‘not be racist’ (as racist attitudes are indoctrinated into all of us from birth whether we’re aware of them or not), we are committed to lifelong learning and unlearning, deep humility, and sustained action. We acknowledge that the broader movement/yoga community is dominated by whiteness and white supremacy, making these environments subject to racial biases. We commit to breaking down those biases by being even more proactive in educating and diversifying our community and staff.
We aim to have a plan finalized with actions to:
- Make our studio a place where BIPOC feel even more welcome and valued.
- Continue to maintain financially accessible classes to all people, including BIPOC (as no one is turned away from our studio due to finances, nor ever has been)
- Provide our students and staff with ongoing anti-racism and anti-oppression education (both in talks, workshops, and our Lending Library literature)
- Further amplification of BIPOC voices through our social media and community partnerships
- Continue to direct our Dāna Outreach Program fundraising to organizations run by and for Black & Indigenous communities, and collaborate with them to make help movement more accessible to their communities.
- Be the safest space we can provide for allies to come and learn.
This is a living project that will grow and evolve with us. Please check here for future updates.
Love, Don and the entire Hummingbird Field Sangha.
Special Healing for Marginalized Communities Classes
We at The Hummingbird Field have always understood the importance of movement in one’s healing journey. We also understand that everyone walks through life differently, and experiences triumphs and traumas uniquely. We have begun working with members of our community to host-specific, intimate classes for vulnerable and marginalized people. Join us in the safest space space we can provide to heal and grow alongside individuals with shared experiences. More than a movement studio, The Hummingbird Field has always been a place for personal transformation first. Every person entering the space will; in one way or another, contribute to social and societal change that benefits us all. The COVID shutdown has further determined the importance of THF within our broader community. The emboldening global shift to fight racism has urged THF to dive deeper into our role of inspiring personal and collective growth. Our space is intended to bring more diversification while supporting marginalized groups in our community. The Hummingbird Field’s Mission Statement relates to the unearthing of deeper value in every person’s life, and these classes are meant to further that mission. We offer them with the intention of connection and your feedback around how we might create more of this, is always welcomed.
Healing for BIPOC (coming soon)
A class by, for, and led by BIPOC. This class is presented with the intention to provide the safest space we can provide to bond over collective trauma and come together to heal. We understand that the current climate can become overwhelming, frustrating and isolating as a minority. We will channel all of those feelings and process them together to foster unity, strength and optimism. Come as you are, for BIPOC individuals specifically.
Healing for LGBTQ2S+ (coming soon)
A welcoming class for all members of the LGBTTQQIAAP+ community. Join us for a unique class celebrating and encouraging being unapologetically you. This class will be hosted by a member of the community. The studio will be open before and after the class exclusively to folks in the LGBTTQQIAAP+ community for a truly safe experience.
Turtle Island’s Indigenous Peoples
The cultural, societal, and spiritual costs that continue to be paid by Indigenous Peoples is a pain that, in some way we all carry upon this land. In the spirit of acknowledgment and healing for these losses, Indigenous peoples practice for free at The Hummingbird Field, no questions asked. We wish to express recognition, respect and seek restoration with the original stewards of the land upon which we live and practice, specifically the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy aka the Six Nations of the Grand Confederacy, the traditional territory of the Wendat and the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
To redeem: Create an account. then drop by the studio 20-30 minutes before class to activate your pass if you wish to make mindfulness and movement a regular part of your life.
Note: those who benefit from this offering are welcome to make a donation to our Dāna Outreach Program if feel moved to do so.
Resources to Read
- Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice – Paul Kivel
- How to be an AntiRacist – Ibram X. Kendi
- Mindful of Race – Ruth King
- Becoming Trustworthy White Allies | Reflections
- How to Decolonize Your Yoga Practice
- How do you know if you’re Spiritually Bypassing?
- When Spiritual Bypassing Meets Racism Meets Gaslighting
- The Little Understood Mental Health Effects of Racial Trauma
Resources to Watch
- Sea Change: Navigating Oppression
- Systemic Racism Explained
- Privilege/Class/Social Inequalities Explained in a $100 Race
Educators + Organizations to follow on Instagram
- @showingupforracialjustice
- @iamrachelrickett
- @rachel.cargle
- @thegreatunlearn
- @theloveandfoundation
- @blklivesmatter
- @naacp
- @decolonizingtherapy
- @ckyourprivilege
- @ohhappydani
- @officialmillenialblack
- @blackandembodied
- @blackvisionscollective
- @nowhitesaviours
- @thebodyisnotanapology