Hummingbird Hatha

Hummingbird Hatha a is a dynamic system of postures and breathing exercises specifically designed to be practiced in the heat.

The Hummingbird series is a cardiovascular workout that relaxes, strengthens and tones the muscles while calming the mind and reducing stress. The heat allows for deep, safe stretching and promotes detoxification of the skin, blood, and muscles through sweat.

Classes are suitable for all levels, beginner friendly.

Hummingbird Flow

In this class, many poses from the classic Hummingbird sequence are woven together with vinyasa flows. Emphasis will be on the synergy between conscious breath and movement, helping you deepen your practice.

This class incorporates a lot of movement and is set at a quicker pace than a hatha class. It is ideal for upper body strengthening and improving cardiovascular health.

Beginners are encouraged to feel comfortable with the standard Hummingbird Hatha series before taking this class.

Classes are suitable for all levels.

Hummingbird Hatha w/ Meditation

The 60 minute Hummingbird Hatha practice you know and love, with a guided meditation twist.

Many of us come to better understand and experience the positive effects of a meditation practice. With the shifting energy and increased awareness brought on by an hour of practicing the Hummingbird sequence, this class will conclude with a precious 15 minute guided meditation, further inviting us closer to our true and higher self.

No meditation experience is necessary.

The Hummingbird Hatha sequence is a dynamic system of postures and breathing exercises specifically designed to be practiced in the heat. The Hummingbird Hatha series is a cardiovascular workout that relaxes, strengthens and tones the muscles while calming the mind and reducing stress. The heat allows for deep, safe stretching and promotes detoxification of the skin, blood, and muscles through sweat. Classes are suitable for all levels.

Heated Practice Room: 37 Degrees

Hummingbird Silent

The majority of our days are filled with constant noise, whether it be the honking of horns, office chatter, the radio, etc.  This class allows you to challenge yourself on a whole new level by practicing in total silence.

The silently lead class is guided by a teacher who will also be practicing front and centre in the room. Students have the opportunity to be their own guide in their practice and perhaps take that practice to a deeper level.

This class is practiced both in silence or accompanied by music. Some say the music helps them escape to a more meditative zone, thereby counterbalancing potential distractions both outside the body and inside the mind.

This type of practice is best experienced if you’re somewhat familiar with the regular Hummingbird Hatha series (even if you’ve only been to a couple of classes).

  • Mondays 8pm Hummingbird Silent w/ Music 60 min
  • Sundays 8am Hummingbird Silent w/ Music 90 min

Hummingbird Meditation

Meditation is our most efficient tool in helping us realize what the Yoga Sutra’s and many religious texts have outlined as humanity’s true illness: misperception, as our thoughts directly impact our suffering.

We gather in circle for a 45 minute sit/session to invite the clarity and wisdom that can come through this practice of stillness and silence.

Guided by a rotating list of our caring teachers.

All levels of experience welcome, beginner friendly. Donation based, registration required.


Vinyasa is a style of yoga in which movement between poses creates a long, beautiful flowing sequence (which for some can feel like a dance). When we link conscious breath to movement and find a state of flow and rhythm, we can calm the mind and nervous system while strengthening the cardiovascular and muscular-skeletal systems. A vinyasa class incorporates many downward dog flows (though you can always take breaks) and will creatively weave one pose into the next (ie. Warrior 1 into Warrior 2 into Dancing Warrior into Triangle into Half Moon).

This class is recommended for those with experience in the Flow classes.

The temperature is warm (not “hot” like the Hummingbird Hatha/Flow) though in a vinyasa practice you will build much internal heat from the breath work and movement pairing. Prepare to come with a towel for a sweaty/humid class.

Mindful Pilates

This practice offers complete surrender, giving the body space to come back to its natural rhythm of restoration, repair, and thriving. Receive the benefits of this traditional practice rooted in ancient wisdom, and leave feeling nourished and restored on all levels.

We begin this 75 minute practice by linking breath to gentle, soft movement, releasing accumulated tension before moving into longer held (2-10 minutes) supported shapes. The use of props allows deep and gentle release in joints, tissues and facia, as well as the energy system and the mind.

The smaller more intimate class size allows for the option of more support, and grounding hands on adjustments in rest postures. This is a Music class, and essential oils may be incorporated to deepen in relaxation.

This is a reduced heat practice at 27 degrees. An eye pillow is strongly encouraged (but not required) for this practice.

*please note: Hands-on adjustments are always optional. We use consent chips in studio so you can clearly communicate the best way to support you in practice.


Yin is a therapeutic practice where the focus is to stretch deep down in the joints and connective tissues; privileging conscious breath and utilizing a lot of silence. Postures can be held 3-10 minutes, utilizing stillness to investigate the depth of stretch. Props are used to aid in opening up the meridian lines of the body and stretching the connective tissue.

With longer holds the teacher has more time to offer one-on-one personalized modification; the slower pace allows the body to drift into a meditative state and ease your way into a blissful savasana. Yin is the perfect balance to the busyness of day-to-day living.

This practice is highly recommended for: 

– caregivers to young children
– runners, iron-man competitors, marathon, triathlon-ers, weightlifters
– anyone healing from an injury or illness
– those who use laptops, desktops, and cell phones
– those who have human bodies
Warm Practice Room (26′ – 28′ C), eye-pillows encouraged (bring your own or purchase in studio).

Stretch & Surrender

This practice offers complete surrender, giving the body space to come back to its natural rhythm of restoration, repair, and thriving. Receive the benefits of this traditional practice rooted in ancient wisdom, and leave feeling nourished and restored on all levels.

We begin this 75 minute practice by linking breath to gentle, soft movement, releasing accumulated tension before moving into longer held (2-10 minutes) supported shapes. The use of props allows deep and gentle release in joints, tissues and facia, as well as the energy system and the mind.

The smaller more intimate class size allows for the option of more support, and grounding hands on adjustments in rest postures. This is a music class, and essential oils may be incorporated to deepen in relaxation.

This is a reduced heat practice at 27 degrees. An eye-pillow is strongly encouraged (but not required) for this practice.

*please note: hands-on adjustments are always optional. We use consent chips in studio so you can clearly communicate the best way to support you in practice.

75 Minutes

Private & Group Classes

      • Helpful and effective way to deepen your practice
      • Learn personalized modifications for injuries/limitations.
      • Celebration special occasions like birthdays, wedding party gatherings, celebrations of life, and team building events.
      • Perfect for kids/family yoga.
      • Option to rent the zen den before and after if you want to hold a potluck or share snacks and tea.


Arrange for one of our teachers to come to your office/workplace and transform a common area into a practice room, or on warm sunny days, you can all take a mindful walk to a nearby green space. Benefits of bringing mindful movement to your workspace:

      • Improve communication skills, overall health, and well-being.
      • Decrease stress, anxiety, hostility, and frustration amongst team members.
      • Boosts team connection, morale, creativity, decision making, and job satisfaction.


$125 – 1-on-1 Private (60 min)

$150 – Private Group – 2-14 people (60 mins)

$180 – Private Groups – 15-24 students (60 mins)

$250 – Private Groups – 25-50 students (60 mins)

$250 – Corporate (50 students max, 60 min)

$150 – Off-Site (45 min)

$180 – Off-Site (60 min)


Email us to organize a private session.



Celebrate your birthday with us.

We want to honour your special day so… YOUR CLASS IS ON US when you redeem your complimentary birthday class within seven days.

Enjoy 15% off a 5 Class Pass during your birthday week (you deserve it).

Unlimited Members, we didn’t forget you….please feel welcome to bring a friend for a complimentary practice and you may both enjoy complimentary rentals.